What To Do After Keyword Research – The Next Actionable Steps

What to do after keyword research - Finding the next steps after researching the keywords
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Ever felt like you’re standing on the edge of a dense forest, armed with nothing but a compass and your wits? That’s what keyword research can feel like. You’ve got these data-laden terms in hand – search volumes, competition levels, relevance… Now what?

The path forward might seem twisted at first glance. But let me assure you: there’s a method to this madness.

In our journey today, we’ll be looking deeper into this wilderness of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. We’ll decipher those cryptic numbers from your keyword research findings and translate them into clear action steps. Expect to learn how to prioritize keywords for maximum impact, seamlessly weave them into your content plan, and even revamp existing pieces with fresh key phrases.

We won’t stop there! This article also covers monitoring performance over time and adjusting strategies based on the results you get!

Analyzing Your Keyword Research Data

After conducting keyword research, it’s time to dig into your data. Your target keywords may need some sifting and sorting before their true value shines through.

Understanding search volume

In simple words, search volume refers to the number of times a specific keyword or keyword phrase is entered into search engines (such as Google).

Imagine you own an ice cream parlor in Alaska. You want people to find you on the top of the search engine results pages when they crave ice cream, so you use “ice cream in Alaska” as one of your main keywords.

Search volume can give insight into the popularity or interest level around that keyword – just like how many Alaskans are craving ice creams right now. However, don’t fall for high numbers immediately; let’s discuss what’s more to see.

Gauging competition level

You’re probably thinking: High search volume = good thing…right? That’s where most of the SEOs make a wrong move in their keyword research process.

Well, hold onto that thought because here comes another twist – competition levels. More searches often mean more competition too.

Let’s go back to our analogy about owning an ice cream parlor in Alaska.

If there were 100 other parlors selling similar delights within close proximity, wouldn’t it be harder for yours to stand out? That is exactly what happens when numerous websites target the same keyword making it highly competitive.

Evaluating relevancy

Last but certainly not least is relevancy – which is essentially how well a keyword aligns with your content or business. Think of it as matching socks – they should complement each other. You don’t want to be that ice cream parlor in Alaska getting hits from people searching for ‘ice fishing’ because you used the word ‘ice.’

Once you understand why is keyword relevancy important for you, it’s time to prioritize them from your keyword list.

Prioritizing Your Keywords

Digital Marketers planning their keyword strategy

When it comes to keywords, not all of them are created equal. Some will bring more value to your SEO strategy than others. What criteria should you consider when selecting the most effective keywords? Let’s break down the process.

The Importance of relevance and search volume

To start, let’s consider relevance and search volume. It’s essential that the keywords you choose are related to your business or field. If they’re not, even a high search volume won’t save them from being ineffective in driving organic traffic.

In addition, taking note of the search volumes can help identify potential opportunities for reaching larger audiences.

Finding balance with keyword difficulty

You’ve probably heard about keyword difficulty – an estimate of how hard it would be to rank for a particular keyword. While highly competitive keywords may have tempting volumes of searches, remember: higher competition means it’ll take more effort (and possibly time) to see it in search engine rankings.

A blend of both low-competition and high-competition keywords can create balance in your SEO strategy by giving you quick wins while also playing the long game for potentially bigger rewards later on.

User intent is key

Understanding user intent behind each keyword is crucial when prioritizing too. You want people who land on your site through those queries genuinely interested in what you offer because these users are far likelier to convert into customers or subscribers. User intent can be categorized into informational, navigational, commercial, or transactional.

To dig deeper, we recommend you go through our guide on types of keywords.

The power of long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords may have lower search volumes than their shorter counterparts, but they often come with higher relevance and conversion rates due to being more specific. They’re also usually less competitive – which is a nice bonus. For your ice cream parlor in Alaska, long tail keywords could be “best artisanal ice cream in Fairbanks” or “ice cream sundae bar in Palmer Alaska”.

Key Thought

So when prioritizing your keywords, it is crucial to carefully balance all the factors to come up with the most effective ones for a successful SEO strategy. Ideal keyword would have a good search volume, fairly low keyword difficulty, and match the user intent. And your best bet would be the keywords that fill gaps in your content strategy.

Integrating Keywords Into Your Content Strategy

The first step in weaving keywords into your content strategy is understanding their value. Just as a chef needs the right components to craft an exquisite dish, you must select appropriate keywords to draw in and captivate your target audience.

Now we know how important this is, let’s dive deeper into how we can seamlessly and strategically integrate these ‘ingredients’ without compromising the quality of our content.

Pick out the right keywords for each piece of content

Your keyword research should give you a basketful of relevant words and phrases. But remember, not every piece of content needs all those ingredients. It’s about picking out what works best for each one.

You wouldn’t put hot sauce on ice cream, would you? Similarly, using irrelevant keywords might make search engines think twice before serving up your page in response to user queries. So be mindful when choosing which ones to include.

Create a natural flow with your chosen keywords

Now that we’ve chosen our main players (keywords), it’s time for them to take center stage in a way that feels natural – no forced entries or awkward silences. in short, stay away from keyword stuffing.

SEO-friendly writing techniques, like placing high-priority keywords within headings or introductory sentences while ensuring they blend smoothly with surrounding text, can help strike this balance.

As far as the flow is concerned, you must also make sure that your content reads naturally. Your chosen keywords should blend seamlessly into your content as if they were always meant to be there.

Key Thought

Think of keywords as ingredients for your content recipe. Choose them wisely and blend them naturally into each piece without compromising quality. While you are retrofitting an old post with a new target keyword, keep the flow intact. Finally, create content using high-value keywords.

Optimize Existing Content With New Keywords

A content writer trying to improve his content

If you’re wondering how to boost your website’s visibility without creating new content from scratch, optimizing your content with fresh keywords is a start. This process involves identifying underperforming posts and revamping them by integrating new search terms.

It may appear intimidating initially, but it’s like renovating an old house – we aren’t demolishing the structure; rather, we are adding to its value with upgrades and modifications. In this case, our “renovations” involve infusing our older content pieces with target keywords that help increase their ranking potential.

Finding underperforming posts

The first step in this optimization journey involves finding which of your posts are underperforming or have room for improvement. Google Analytics can be a handy tool for tracking page views and engagement rates on individual web pages.

A low number of page views or short dwell times may indicate that these particular articles could use some TLC (tender loving care). Also, consider looking into bounce rate statistics – if people click on the post but quickly leave, there’s likely something missing that they were expecting to find.

Selecting relevant keywords

You’ve done your keyword research already; now, let’s put those results into action. Prioritize high-relevance keywords—those closely tied to your topic—and ones showing good search volume stats while having manageable competition levels.

This process mirrors selecting ingredients for cooking up a delicious dish: You wouldn’t just throw everything in haphazardly—you’d choose components wisely based on what complements each other best.

Incorporating keywords naturally

Now that you have your list of keywords, it’s time to incorporate them into the content. However, avoid keyword stuffing; search engines prefer natural integration. It’s like adding spices to a dish—you want just enough to enhance the flavor but not so much that it overwhelms everything else.

Try to create a flawless mix. Your goal is for readers not to notice you’ve included new keywords simply because they blend so seamlessly into the content.

Key Thought

Optimized content can be a game changer. So, make sure you boost your website’s visibility by optimizing old content with fresh keywords on relevant pages. Find underperforming posts via Google Analytics, then infuse them with high-relevance keywords from your research. Make sure to blend these new terms naturally into the text. For a higher impact and more conversions, try to identify low funnel keywords for your business.

Create Fresh Content Around High-Value Keywords

Newly discovered high-value keywords present an exciting opportunity: the creation of fresh content. It’s like finding a brand-new recipe that promises tantalizing flavors—now it’s time to start cooking. Think of these ‘recipes’ as a creative spark for your blog. They’re here to get those ideas cooking.

Content planning

Begin by mapping out your content pillars or themes. These should reflect your brand and audience’s interests. For each piece of content you plan, select a primary keyword or phrase that is central to the topic. With your high-value keywords identified, plan content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, or infographics, your content should provide value and be engaging. Keyword research helps you come up with a plan to create high quality content.

Write quality content

Primary goal of content is to provide valuable information that resonates with your target audience. Your content should be so on point that it establishes your site as go-to resource in your niche. A common rule among writers and content creators is “write what you know.” When you write about something you have a deep understanding of or have a passion for, then it shows in the quality of your writing.

Optimize for SEO

We are back to our trusty keywords once the content is written. We have already started creating content centered around our keywords. Make sure the other boxes are checked too. This includes using meta tags, alt tags for images, and structuring your content with proper heading tags. Your primary keyword should feature in your title tag and meta description.

Key Thought

Identifying highly relevant yet missed keywords brings loads of ideas for creating fresh content. This process includes crafting engaging, informative content that naturally incorporates these keywords, ensuring it aligns with user search intent and queries. Additionally, optimizing this content for SEO is crucial, enhancing its visibility and effectiveness in attracting and retaining audience interest.

Tracking The Performance Of Your Keywords

Getting insights about keyword performance

Checking up on your keyword performance isn’t a one-off task. It’s like watching your favorite sports team; you don’t just watch them once and then forget about it, right? You keep track of their progress throughout the season. Similarly, tracking keywords helps adjust strategies as needed. You could easily do so through any keyword research tool.

Analyzing keyword metrics

The first step in monitoring keyword performance involves analyzing key metrics such as search volume, click-through rates (CTR), and keyword rankings. These are indicators of how well your chosen keywords are performing in Google search results.

Read our in-depth guide on keyword performance.

You can use tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or Moz’s Keyword Explorer, which give you comprehensive data to help you understand these metrics better.

Paying attention to trends over time

Trends matter. Remember that crazy hairstyle from the 80s that no longer makes sense today? Just like fashion trends change over time, so do keyword trends. A rise or fall in search volume for certain keywords might indicate changes in user behavior or market dynamics.

To stay updated with this ever-changing landscape, make sure to check Google Trends regularly – it’s almost like having a crystal ball.

Gauging impact on website traffic

Your website traffic can be directly affected by how well your targeted keywords perform. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it… In other words: if people aren’t finding you through searches because your chosen keywords aren’t performing well…you get where we’re going here?

Use Google Analytics to measure the impact of keyword performance on your website traffic. It’s a powerful tool that lets you see which keywords are driving the most visits. Google Analytics also lets you know your conversion rates, and that is what defines your bottom line.

Key Thought

Don’t treat keyword tracking as a one-and-done deal. You need to monitor your keywords’ performance consistently. By using tools like Ahrefs or Moz’s Keyword Explorer, you can get essential data. This includes search volume and click-through rates (CTR). It’s an effective way to understand your website traffic better.

Adapting Your Keyword Strategy Based On Performance

Switching to a new keyword plan

The beauty of SEO is that it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it game. You need to adapt your keyword strategy based on performance data continually, and this is where the fun starts.

Identifying high-performing keywords

To start off, let’s identify our high-performing keywords. These are words or phrases that bring in quality traffic and convert well.

Analyzing website analytics can give you valuable insights into which keywords perform best for your site. A tool like Google Analytics, if used correctly, can reveal what search terms users enter before landing on your pages. 

Pivoting around low-performers

Moving forward with low-performing keywords might seem counterintuitive but remember – every underdog has its day. With some tweaking and adjusting, these ‘underperformers’ could turn into stars.

Keyword research tools like- SEMRush, and Moz will help determine why certain keywords aren’t delivering as expected. Maybe they’re too competitive? Or perhaps they just don’t align with user intent?

Tweaking content around keywords

Reworking existing content around revised keyword strategies is a little bit like renovating an old house – you keep the framework intact while making necessary updates for improved functionality.

If a blog post isn’t ranking despite having relevant information about “the best digital marketing tips,” consider incorporating more specific long-tail variations such as “top 10 digital marketing strategies for small businesses”.

Updating meta descriptions, alt tags, and header tags with revised keywords can also give your content a much-needed SEO boost.

Plus, you can also tweak your content using different keywords and variations. Using keyword variations in your content is an excellent way you target a broader range of search terms and capture a more diverse audience while also making your content appear more natural and less repetitive to both readers and search engines.

But make sure your content stays at par with quality. 

Key Thought

SEO isn’t a one-and-done deal. Keep tabs on your keyword performance with tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMRush. Identify high-performers for focus, tweak content around low performers to turn them into stars, and stay ahead by creating fresh content based on changing keyword trends.

Understanding The Impact Of Algorithm Updates On Keywords

The digital landscape is ever-changing, especially when it comes to search engine algorithms. Just as you think you’ve mastered SEO with your chosen keywords, Google throws a curveball in the form of an algorithm update.

Algorithm updates are like tectonic shifts that can make or break your keyword strategy. They’re not there to give us a hard time but to enhance user experience by delivering relevant and high-quality content.

The effect of algorithm updates on your keyword strategy

You might ask why these changes affect your keywords so much. To put it simply, every tweak made by Google impacts how they interpret and rank content based on keywords.

If we take Google’s BERT update, for example. This algorithm improvement was designed to understand natural language processing (NLP) better. It affected around 10% of all queries because websites had been stuffing their pages with forced-sounding phrases purely for SEO purposes rather than providing useful information centered around specific topics.

Adapting your keyword strategy post update

Fear not. While this sounds scary, remember that change also brings opportunities. Every algorithm shift provides chances for growth if you adapt accordingly and timely. Let’s get down to business: How do we adjust our strategies post-update?

  • Analyze changes: Begin by understanding what exactly changed in the update. Was it related to mobile-first indexing? Or maybe about relevance or authority?
  • Evaluate your keywords: Revisit your chosen keywords. Are they still relevant in light of the update? Remember, user intent is key here.
  • Adjust content accordingly: You might need to tweak or overhaul some pieces of content based on these findings.

The Role of E-A-T

Google’s focus has increasingly shifted towards rewarding high-quality content and authoritative and trustworthy (E-E-A-T) websites with better rankings. These sites demonstrate expertise in their field, boast impressive credentials, and generate reliable content – all hallmarks Google loves.

So, if you are an expert in your field, this can be the best opportunity to rank for your keywords.

Key Thought

Search engine algorithm updates, like Google’s BERT, can shake up your keyword strategy. But don’t panic. Use these shifts as opportunities for growth by understanding what changed and adapting accordingly. Evaluate your keywords and adjust content to meet new standards – all while keeping user intent in focus.


Deep diving into the wilderness of , is it?

You’ve learned how to analyze your keyword research data. To interpret those cryptic numbers and translate them into actionable steps. SEO shouldn’t feel that challenging anymore.

Evaluating and prioritizing keywords is the first thing you should be doind as soon as your get your hands on that keyword list. You know what factors to consider while crafting a successful search engine optimization strategy.

Content integration? No sweat! You’ve discovered how seamlessly you can weave target keywords into your content plan, even retrofitting existing pieces with related keywords when needed.

Monitoring performance over time and adjusting strategies based on results should be part of your routine by now!

Above all, remember that figuring out what to do after keyword research requires patience, and persistence, but most importantly – practice!


You still may be having some questions regarding the whole process of using keywords or the keyword research process in general. Let’s address some most common questions to help you navigate the process.

What to do after keyword research in SEO?

After conducting thorough keyword research, analyze your data, prioritize keywords, and incorporate them into your content. Then, optimize existing material with new keywords, craft fresh content around them, track performance, and adapt strategies as needed.

What are the 5 steps to be followed while conducting keyword research?

The five steps include understanding your topic and target audience, brainstorming possible search terms, using tools for discovering your target keywords, analyzing competition and search volume of potential keywords, and finally, choosing high-potential phrases.

How do you proceed with effective keyword research?

To kick off keyword research, start by understanding your target audience‘s needs. Next up is brainstorming related search queries. Utilize online tools to find popular words or phrases. These are called high-search volume keywords. Then analyze their difficulty and relevance before finalizing.

What is keyword map and keyword mapping?

Keyword mapping is a strategic process in search engine optimization and content marketing that involves assigning specific keywords to web pages or content pieces on a website. Keyword mapping helps improve the overall structure, reduces keyword cannibalization, organization, and visibility of a website in search engine results.

How to determine keywords to use as anchor text for external or internal links?

Select anchor text based on keyword relevance, user experience, and SEO goals. Prioritize user comprehension and avoid excessive keyword repetition for natural and effective internal and external links.

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Ajay Deep
Ajay Deep

Hi, I'm Ajay Deep, founder and CEO of Authority Ventures. I work as a strategy consultant - passionately aiding businesses in optimizing their digital presence. Apart from working with clients, I also work on some niche websites - which are my own experimental projects. One of my website recently got acquired by a Fortune500 company (for a whooping 6-digit figure). Click below to know more about me and my work.

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