A Guide To Technical SEO For Better Crawability & Indexing

technical SEO image

Search engine optimization is key to increasing the visibility of your website and staying ahead of the competition. Technical SEO can help you achieve this goal by making sure that a search engine perceives your site positively in terms of performance and user experience.

Short Summary

  • Technical SEO is an optimization process focused on improving a website’s visibility in SERP rankings.
  • Key components of technical SEO include site architecture, page speed optimization, mobile-friendliness and structured data.
  • Regularly monitoring and fixing technical issues can help optimize website performance for both users and search engines.

Technical SEO Explained

Technical SEO, in simplest terms, is the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. It’s all about ensuring that search bots also called spiders can crawl their way around your website efficiently and index it without any hiccups. 

Sounds technical?

Let me make it easier for you by drawing a comparison between on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. 

Diff bw technical on page

While on-page SEO is about optimizing the content and tags within a webpage, off-page SEO involves tactics used outside a website to boost rankings. Technical SEO, however, ensures that search engines like Google can easily navigate through web pages and accurately find the most relevant information. 

  • Firstly, it’s about making your website easy to find.
  • Secondly, it’s about making it easy to read and understand – both for the users and the search engines.
  • Lastly, it’s about ensuring your website meets the technical requirements set by search engines.

Technical SEO is the backbone of your website. It’s the framework that holds everything together, ensuring your site is in perfect condition for crawling and indexing by search engines.

I hope I have made this clear!

Importance of Technical SEO in Website Optimization

If you’re a business owner with a digital presence, which, let’s face it – who isn’t these days? Assume you have created the best-ever content and even made a result-oriented off-page strategy, too, but what if the site takes time to load or even, in the worst case, doesn’t get crawled by the search engine crawlers? Technical SEO does help in this! Let me quickly guide you through the importance of technical SEO:  

  • Visibility: Technical SEO is the key to making your website visible to search engines. If search engines can’t find you, neither will your potential customers. It’s like throwing a party and forgetting to send out the invitations.
  • User experience: You might have the most beautiful website in the world, but if it takes ages to load, users will bounce faster than a kangaroo on a trampoline. As technical SEO deals with the technical aspects of your page, adhering to its best practices helps improve your website’s speed, usability, and accessibility, leading to a better user experience.


  • Crawlability: Have you ever heard of web crawlers? No, they’re not creepy crawlies. These are search engine robots that scan your website. With proper technical SEO, you can guide these crawlers and determine what they see, ensuring that your important content doesn’t go unnoticed.
  • Conversion rates: By improving visibility and user experience, technical SEO can have a direct impact on your conversion rates. After all, more visibility means more traffic. And a better user experience means that traffic is more likely to convert. It’s simple math!
  • Competitive edge: Lastly, mastering technical SEO can give you a competitive edge. If your competitors’ sites are slow, hard to navigate, or invisible to search engines, users are more likely to come to you. So, you’ll be winning customers without even trying. How cool is that? But the only condition is that you comply with the technical SEO guidelines. 

Technical SEO, in a nutshell, is the aspect of SEO that deals with the backend of your website. It’s like the engine of a car. You can’t see it, but it’s crucial for the vehicle to run smoothly. 

So, now I hope your question about “what is technical SEO”  is addressed, so let’s take a look at its components one by one.

Key Components of Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves many aspects that are essential in order to be successful. These components include:

  • Crawlability and Indexing
  • Schema markup
  • Content originality
  • Site Architecture and Navigation
  • Page Speed
  • Mobile-Friendliness
  • Page Security

To sum it up, properly executing these technical elements allows users, as well as search engines, access with ease and improved results in rankings online!

Crawling and Indexing

Crawling and indexing are key elements of technical SEO, allowing search engines to find your website’s content. Without proper crawlability or indexing, searches may never be able to see your site’s pages. Thus leading you to miss out on potential customers through organic visits.

It’s the nuts and bolts of technical optimization, the under-the-hood tweaks that make your website search engine-friendly. With technical SEO, you’re essentially saying to Google, “Come on in, make yourself at home, and by the way, here’s a handy map of the house.” Let’s dive into the key elements of technical SEO: crawling, indexing, and ranking.


Crawling is the first step in this SEO. It’s when search engine bots, affectionately known as spiders, traverse through your website, exploring each nook and cranny, or in our case, each webpage and link. The goal here? To gather data about your website’s content and structure. Think of these bots as friendly little investigators, scoping out the scene and reporting back to search engine HQ. 


Next up, we have indexing. After our bots finish their data collection tour of your site, they store this information in the search engine’s index. It’s like a giant, virtual library where a copy of each webpage is stored. When an online searcher types in a query, the search engine sifts through this gigantic library to find and present the most relevant, high-quality pages.


Finally, we arrive at the ranking. The search engine uses sophisticated algorithms (think of these as super complex mathematical recipes) to determine the order of web pages displayed in the search results. The factors affecting ranking include the relevance of your content to the search query, the quality of your content, your website’s user experience, and many more. 

XML sitemaps

Search engines like Google can be aided by XML sitemaps, which play an integral part in finding and crawling important web pages on a website. An XML sitemap is essentially a file that details all the pages present on the domain, making it much easier for search engines to find them indexing their content eventually.

By devising and submitting this document of vital URLs to search engine services, one gains several advantages – such as improving general visibility within SERPs (search engine result pages), ensuring every significant page gets indexed & ranked accordingly plus garnering more organic visitors while benefiting from improved overall performance with regards to SEO.

Robots.txt File


Search engines and technical SEO are closely intertwined, so properly setting up the robots.txt file is highly important for optimizing search engine performance on your website. By carefully adjusting the configuration of this file, you can direct crawlers to prioritize crawling and indexing pages, which will improve your site’s position in terms of rankings as well as the organic traffic it receives. This helps to ensure that time spent by crawlers is utilized efficiently on the most valuable parts of your website.

Schema Markup and How to Implement It?

Imagine visiting a library with millions of books but no librarian to guide you, sounds chaotic, right? That’s how search engines feel when they crawl your website without schema markup. 

Schema markup can lead to a 30% increase in CTR.

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is an essential aspect of technical SEO. It’s like your website’s personal librarian guiding search engines to understand your content better. It provides explicit clues about the meaning of a page to search engines, enabling them to return more informative results for users. 

Now, let’s dive into how it aligns with technical SEO and how to implement it. You’ll be a schema markup whiz before you know it! 

Pro Tip: Think of schema markup as your website’s secret language, communicating with search engines in a way they understand. It’s the unsung hero of technical SEO.

How Schema Markup Aligns with Technical SEO?

As far as we have learned, technical SEO is all about improving the technical aspects of a website. Schema markup plays a crucial role in this by: 

  • Helping search engines understand your content, thus improving your website’s relevancy to user queries.
  • Enhancing your website’s search visibility with rich snippets can improve click-through rates.
  • Influencing the way your page is displayed in SERPs, making it more attractive to users.

How to Implement Schema Markup?

Implementing schema markup might sound complicated, but it’s easier than you’d expect. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify what types of content you want to markup. Could it be articles, events, or products?
  2. Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to generate your schema markup.
  3. Copy the generated code and paste it on your website’s relevant page.
  4. Finally, use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to verify your markup.

Remember, just like any other aspect of SEO, schema markup isn’t a one-time task. It requires regular updates and testing to ensure it’s functioning correctly. But don’t worry; once you get the hang of it, it’ll be second nature. 

Handling Duplicate Content

It is essential to recognize and attend to any issues concerning duplicate content, as it can adversely affect a website’s SEO score. Duplicate material, which could be generated on your own site or found elsewhere online, may cause trouble for search engines in deciding where to rank the page. Thus impacting its visibility in SERPs.

By pinpointing duplicate content present on your website and then taking appropriate measures, you are assured that the pages stay optimised across all leading search engines and are able to have their content indexed appropriately with an optimum rating awarded at each instance.

Duplicate content

Identifying Duplicate Content

Are you thinking of reading each line to identify duplicate content? It’ll take age, but luckily, there’s hope! Copyscape and Semrush are two excellent tools to use for this purpose. With them, you can investigate any pages or material that may have been copied over the internet and then take action to fix it accordingly.

However, once you have the report of duplicate content, you may then go for manual examinations in order to find similarities with other websites. This involves comparing all of the information as well as keeping an eye out for sudden changes in SERP rankings that might point towards a duplication issue.

Implementing Canonical Tags

At its core, a canonical link is a way of telling search engines that certain similar URLs are actually one and the same. Think of it like saying, “Hey, Google, these pages might look different, but they’re really all about the same thing.” 

In order to handle situations with duplicate content, you can use a canonical tag on multiple versions of your web pages. This HTML code tells search engines which version of the page they should prioritize in terms of indexing and ranking, avoiding any difficulties linked to having multiple copies of one piece of content. 

With this method added to pages on your site, it is possible for improved online visibility as well as enhanced organic traffic arriving at your website due to better understanding by search engines regarding what source is original and authoritative.

So, in essence, canonical links are the unsung heroes of technical SEO. They keep everything tidy and make sure Google understands your site. It’s not flashy, but it’s essential. And the best part? It’s not rocket science to set them upright.

A sample canonical tag looks like <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.example.com/sample-page/” />

Site Architecture and Navigation

Having an efficient website architecture and navigation is critical for both user experience and search engine optimization. Optimizing your site’s structure is a fundamental aspect of what is technical SEO. Visitors should be able to move through your site without any difficulty in order to stay on the page longer, interacting with its content. 

Likewise, well-structured websites that are organised logically make it easier for search engines’ algorithms to crawl information more quickly, leading to increased visibility from online searches.

It is a similar concept to a library – if books are efficiently arranged across shelves, then visitors have quick access to what they need, resulting in pleasant browsing activity. The same principle holds true when building up web pages hierarchically within easy comprehension levels, making life simpler for both viewers and even bots of these searches, yielding improved rankings overall.

In short, a better site structure can help you go a long way!

Creating a Logical Hierarchy


When dealing with multiple web pages, it is essential to present them in an organized and understandable hierarchy. This should involve placing related content together, employing descriptions that are consistent across the URLs of different sites, ensuring all important web pages can be accessed from your homepage quickly and that there are no orphan pages.

Good site architecture not only promotes a user-friendly experience but also optimizes search engine performance due to its logical layout, which makes navigating through bots much simpler. As such, by constructing efficient navigation patterns, you guarantee improved search power along with positive customer feedback on your website’s design choice.

URL Structure Best Practices

Having a consistent and accurate URL structure is essential for user satisfaction and search engine optimization. It should be straightforward to discern the subject matter of a page just by looking at its URL, while search engines will assess how multiple pages on your website connect by examining their arrangement.

Selecting the correct URLs involves incorporating applicable keywords in an organized manner that results in concise but descriptive addresses across your site. This makes it easier for web crawlers and indexers to find content, which can help increase visibility on digital searches.

Steps to Optimize Your Website’s Architecture

  1. Plan a hierarchical structure: Start your journey by planning a clean, hierarchical structure. Ensure your main pages are easily accessible from the homepage, and the rest of the pages should logically branch out from there. 
  2. Optimize your URL structure: URLs aren’t just random gibberish – they’re your first line of communication with search engines. Make sure they’re simple and relevant, and include keywords. And remember, no one likes a maze – keep them as straightforward as possible!
  3. Implement breadcrumb navigation: Think of breadcrumbs as the GPS system of your website, make sure that the breadcrumbs are at the top of the page, below the primary navigation menu, if a horizontal menu layout is used. 
  4. Create an XML sitemap: Do not forget to create the XML sitemap, as it lists all the pages of your website you want search engines to index. Make sure your XML file is up to date with the content, as well as has the only indexable pages included. 
  5. Use internal linking strategically: Internal links help distribute page authority throughout your site and keep users exploring. Make sure you have a strategy that backs the internal linking, consider the most important content, and plan how you will use it to link to another.

Pro-tip: Make sure your anchor text is short, descriptive, and relevant to the page you are linking to. A strategically placed anchor text urges the users to click on it and visit another page of your site. 

Optimizing Page Speed

The first five seconds of page-load time have the highest impact on conversion rates.

Page speed is a key component of both desktop and mobile SEO. If your website takes too long to load, it will dissatisfy visitors and even reduce its ranking in the eyes of search engines such as Google. With increasingly high expectations for swift online performance, having optimal page speeds and leveraging accelerated mobile pages are important ways to keep customers happy while boosting SEO rankings.

To make sure you’re optimizing page loading times on your website and creating positive user experiences, which then lead to better visibility from search engines, address aspects like large image files or inefficient code. Doing this can vastly improve webpages loading times and increase the chance of higher rankings overall due to improved search engine optimization efforts.

Pro tip: Using image alt text in your images can increase your chances of appearing in the search results. Make sure that all your images have an image alt text. 

Measuring Page Speed

Google PageSpeed

To boost your website’s page speed, it is essential to assess and evaluate its current performance. Applications like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix give a thorough review of the loading times for your webpage, providing valuable knowledge into the areas that need improvement.

These tools not only assign a score in regards to how well your site runs but also offer tips on optimizing its speed. By adhering to these points and monitoring frequently, the operations of your website can make sure that visitors have an enjoyable experience while ensuring better online rankings at the same time.

Tips for Improving Page Speed

If you want to enhance your website’s page speed, there are a few strategies that can be utilized. To start off, make sure images are optimized for the web by compressing them and choosing an appropriate format. Not doing so can heavily impede loading times on your pages. 

Caching also plays a huge role in this regard – it helps store static resources on user devices rather than repeatedly sending out HTTP requests, which may slow down performance drastically. 

Another solution to improve your site speed can be the Lazy Loading technique. This technique works remarkably well as it doesn’t load your content all at once but only when the user needs it. More simply, when the request is sent to the server, only then the content will be displayed. 

Lastly, combining files as well as using content delivery networks (CDNs) allows fewer requests to reach the server side and assists with faster load speeds, too. 

Ensuring Mobile Friendliness

With more and more people connecting to the web on their mobile phones, having a website that is designed for these devices has become an important part of search engine optimization. 

Search engines like Google give preference to sites that are optimized for cellular access when displaying results, so improving your site in this way could raise its visibility as well as boost its position among the rankings.

A few advantages come along with getting a website mobile-friendly: it offers users a better experience. Allows crawlers from SEs (Search Engines) to index pages faster, gives you a higher chance of appearing among listings based around related queries, and raises organic traffic visiting your webpage while also pushing conversions and earnings up.

57 of users would not rely on a business with a badly designed website

Responsive Web Design

To guarantee that your website is optimized for mobile devices, responsive web design should be utilized. Through a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding to determine the screen size on which it’s being viewed, this style of designing adjusts the layout accordingly so that all content displays as intended regardless of the type of platform or device users are accessing it with. By implementing this you can raise both user experience levels and search engine rankings in one go!

Testing Mobile-Friendliness

It is vital to evaluate the mobile-friendliness of your website in order to guarantee its optimization for mobile devices, giving users a top-notch experience. Utilizing services like Google’s Mobile-Friendly service. The test will allow you to inspect how well your site performs on mobiles and where modifications are needed.

By using these tools, you can make sure all changes proposed are done and your site is optimized not only for search engines but also adapted perfectly to different screens so that people browsing from their phones have an enjoyable time while visiting it, which ultimately results in higher conversions or more sales.

HTTPS as a Part of Technical SEO

Ever heard the phrase “Safety first”? Well, in the world of technical SEO, safety means HTTPS! HTTPS, which stands for ‘HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure’, is a way to ensure that the data exchanged between your website and its visitors is secure and cannot be intercepted by hackers.

But how does this relate to SEO, you ask? Google, with its ever-vigilant eye on user safety, has made HTTPS a ranking factor. So, a secure website not only establishes trust with your visitors but also gives you a leg up in the search engine rankings. 

If you don’t know why you need an SSL certificate, let me tell you that by implementing SSL, you encrypt the data on your website so that even if hackers try to steal your data, it’ll be extremely hard for them to decrypt your data. 

Pie chart

Not having an SSL Certificate on your website is like leaving your doors unlocked in a bad neighbourhood. You’re inviting trouble!

How to Implement an SSL on a Website?

Well, you’re in luck because I’m about to spill the beans on this tech secret. Just follow these simple steps: 

  1. Buy an SSL certificate: Buying an SSL certificate is not rocket science, various vendors offer these, so pick one that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Install your SSL certificate: Now that you have your shiny new SSL Certificate, it’s time for its grand installation. Your hosting provider can help you with this. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, most vendors provide detailed instructions. Remember, it’s like setting up a new gadget; follow the instructions carefully!
  3. Configure your site to use HTTPS: After installation, nudge your website gently to start using HTTPS instead of HTTP. This can usually be done within your website’s settings.
  4. Check for mixed content: Make sure all your website’s elements (like images, scripts, etc.) are also loaded via HTTPS. This prevents “mixed content” issues, which is like serving a gourmet meal with a side of fast-food fries. Not cool!
  5. Set up 301 redirects: Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. This ensures that even if someone tries to access the old HTTP version of your site, they’ll be redirected to the secure HTTPS version. It’s like inviting your guests to the right party room.

301 redirects

Monitoring and Fixing Technical SEO Issues

It is essential to frequently examine and fix any technical SEO issues in order to sustain the website’s search engine performance as well as its organic traffic. By being proactive about repairing broken links, crawl errors, and duplicate content, you will make sure your page remains optimized for searches while still providing an ideal user experience.

Tools like Moz, Ahrefs & Semrush can be utilized for conducting a full technical SEO health audit. What is technical SEO audit, you ask?  It is a complete analysis that helps uncover regular SEO problems that need resolving, thus making certain your site maintains its high level of search engine rankings, driving customers organically towards it.  

Through staying up-to-date with examining the technical health of one’s website regularly, they are able to stay ahead, ensuring all their optimization attempts won’t go astray, resulting in increased profits through more visitors successfully converted into consumers from those who visit one’s web page due to improved visibility within relevant web results!

Technical SEO Audit Tools

Technical SEO is time extensive and requires attention to even the minute details; hence, to ensure compliance and find room for improvements, a  few SEO audit tools, such as Moz, Ahrefs, and Semrush, along with Google Search Console, can help you ensure your website remains optimized for search engine visibility. 

Running a site audit periodically helps detect common issues like broken links, crawl errors or duplicate content that may affect the user experience of your visitors. This, in turn, can lead to improved rankings on SERPs and, ultimately, more organic traffic flow, resulting in higher conversions and sales figures.

You can use a few free tools such as Google Search Console, SEOClarity, HubSpot Website Grader and many more.

Resolving Common Technical SEO Problems

Taking proactive steps to ensure good performance on search engines is the key to technical SEO success. Fixing broken internal links, dealing with duplicate content and resolving crawl errors can help a website improve its rankings in the SERPs and provide users with a better user experience.

Monitoring your site regularly should be mandatory to identify any potential issues early enough, so they don’t have a negative impact on your organic traffic numbers over time. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so staying up-to-date with them by addressing common problems like broken links or indexed pages that lead nowhere ensures optimal visibility of a website in web search results lists.

If you have read this article this far, we’ll soon be on the same page in technical SEO.

Common Technical SEO Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to technical SEO, there are a few common pitfalls that can trip up even the most diligent business owners. By becoming aware of these mistakes, you can ensure that your SEO game stays strong. So, let’s dive right in and take a look at some of these common blunders: 

  • Neglecting site speed: If your website takes forever to load, chances are visitors aren’t going to stick around. Not only that, but search engines like Google also take page speed into consideration when ranking websites.
  • Unoptimized images: High-resolution images can seriously slow down your website. Always ensure your images are properly sized and compressed for the web. The unspoken rule is that the image quality should remain uncompromised. 
  • Poor mobile optimization: With the majority of internet users browsing on their mobile devices, a website that is not mobile-friendly can seriously harm your SEO.
  • Not fixing broken links: Nothing is more frustrating to a visitor than clicking on a link that leads nowhere. Regularly check your website for broken links to keep this from happening.


  • Allowing duplicity in content: Repetitive, copied content can seriously bring down your website’s SEO ranking. Always strive for unique, quality content.
  • Ignoring HTTPS: Google has made it clear that HTTP websites are not secure. Always ensure your website is HTTPS.

If it all seems overwhelming, don’t fret. Just take it one step at a time. And, before you know it, you’ll be a technical SEO pro! 

The Future of Technical SEO: What You Need to Know

Are you ready to dive into the future? The landscape of technical SEO is always evolving, and I bet you’re curious about what’s on the horizon for 2023. Well, buckle up because the future is closer than you think!

Technical SEO in 2023 will see more emphasis on: 

  • Core web vitals: Google’s user-centric metrics, including loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, will turn out to be more crucial than ever.
  • Page experience: This will continue to grow in importance; you’ll need to ensure your site is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and loads quickly.
  • Mobile-first indexing: With mobile usage continuing to rise, it’s no surprise that Google’s mobile-first indexing will become the norm. So, mobile optimization of your website isn’t just a fad—it’s a necessity.

Let’s look at this in more detail with a table:

SEO Trend What It Means What You Can Do
Core Web Vitals User experience will have a major impact on your ranking Focus on improving page speeds, interactivity, and stability
Page Experience Google will favour sites that offer a great user experience Make your site easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Ensure content is high-quality and relevant. 
Mobile-First Indexing  Google will index and rank your mobile site before your desktop site Make sure your mobile site is as good, if not better than your desktop site.


At the end of it all, technical SEO is an indispensable factor in optimizing your site so that search engines can find and perform well. You should attend to fundamental aspects like website layout, responsiveness on mobile devices, crawlability, and indexing, this way, you will guarantee users get a quality experience from the engine when searching for content.

Regular monitoring of any errors with broken links, or duplicate pages ought to help keep your spot up there in terms of rankings and consequently draw more organic traffic, too. 

With suitable technical SEO strategies as proposed herein implemented properly (like page speed &c.), one may make their web page into a functioning machine much beloved by crawlers that would secure enhanced visibility & conversions due to time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Technical SEO

What is Technical SEO and why is Technical SEO Important?

As we have already discussed, technical SEO focuses on improving your site’s technical aspects from an SEO perspective.

Understand that a website that gives you excellent performance in terms of loading, mobile-friendliness and even has a good site structure has more chances for users to stay and interact.

Because technical SEO helps search engines crawl and index your site, technical is extremely important.

What is the Difference between On-page SEO and Technical SEO?

People often confuse these two because both activities are done “on the page.” However, the difference between the two can be understood as on-page is more focused on making the user and search engine like your page; at the same time, technical SEO focuses on improving the overall performance of your web pages and sites. 

Is a Broken Page the Same as an Orphan Page?

From a technical SEO standpoint, the only similarity between these two is that both can be problematic for your site. Broken pages are the ones that show a 404 error when a user tries to access them, while orphan pages are the pages that aren’t linked to any other page on your website.

What Tools can I use to Assess my Technical SEO?

Understand that the more compliance with the search engine’s standards increases your chances to rank higher in the search results.

A number of technical SEO tools can help you in conducting a site audit. One of the most prominent of these tools is Google search console, Google analytics etc.

Google Search Console is a free and highly reliable tool that can even help you see insights such as index coverage, mobile usability, search analytics, rich snippets and even duplicate content issues.

While conducting a site audit, make sure that you document the discrepancies and record your findings for a better assessment of changes.

What is the Optimum Page Speed for Any Page? 

It is imperative to understand that the goal of improving the page speed is not reaching a particular number but ensuring that the users get the best user experience. Henceforth, we focus on a range that marks a good page speed instead of a ballpark figure.

As per my experience, a page with a speed of 90+ can be good. The page speed may also vary on hosting service as well, so make sure you have a reliable web hosting service.

How Can I Improve my Core Web Vitals?

There are multiple techniques that can help enhance the Core Web Vitals of your website. Reducing the execution of JavaScript files, applying lazy loading, optimizing and compressing images, implementing caching solutions, removing render-blocking resources, utilizing a CDN, deferring JavaScript loading, and measuring and monitoring the Core Web Vitals can all contribute to improving your website’s Core Web Vitals scores. 

Why are Internal Links Important in Technical SEO?

Internal links play a crucial role in your site’s technical SEO as they help search engines understand your site structure and significantly improve your page ranking. An Internal link connects various pages and posts on your website, creating a hierarchy that gives more link value to essential pages and posts.

You can also use internal links to connect with the orphan pages that are buried deep in your site architecture

What is the difference between a Technical Site Audit and a Technical SEO Audit?

This question often needs to be clarified among SEOs because there’s a thin line between these two terms. 

Regarding the technical site audit, we are more concerned with a site’s overall health based on its technical aspects. In contrast, in technical SEO audits, the scope of the work lessens to ensuring its technical aspects are SEO and how it can be improved.

What is an Acceptable Amount of Duplicate Content?

There’s no specific figure of duplicate content I can talk about; however, I suggest you refrain from it or use it as little as possible. Understand that it doesn’t add any value to any page on your site but may have some negative impact. 

What are Robot Meta Tags?

To put it simply, a robot meta tag instructs search engines not to show the page in specific search results. Well, let me clarify it with an example. Assume that you have an article that you want to be shown in search results but not in Google news, you can use the googlebot-news meta tag. Using a robot meta tag, you can even block search engines from indexing the non-HTML elements of your page. 

Picture of Ajay Deep
Ajay Deep

Hi, I'm Ajay Deep, founder and CEO of Authority Ventures. I work as a strategy consultant - passionately aiding businesses in optimizing their digital presence. Apart from working with clients, I also work on some niche websites - which are my own experimental projects. One of my website recently got acquired by a Fortune500 company (for a whooping 6-digit figure). Click below to know more about me and my work.

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