33 On-Page SEO Factors That Actually Impact Rankings

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Sticking to On-page SEO factors is crucial for increasing organic traffic, a great user experience, and improving ranking on the search engine results pages. To provide more value to their users, search engines are undertaking innovative measures to keep everything up to the mark. As a result, the list of on-site SEO factors is continually expanding.

In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of on-page SEO factors that will help you rank for the targeted keywords and get your pages indexed in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. 

There’s a bonus section with in-depth resources about these on-page optimization factors that will help you in staying ahead of the game.

Who am I?

Well, with an experience of more than 11 years, I help brands overcome both their on-page and off-page SEO challenges, improve their rankings, and hence generate quality leads. During my course of work with companies of international repute, I have helped many businesses with SEO strategies that help fulfill their digital dreams into a reality.

Let’s begin!

What are On-page SEO Factors?

On-page factors are the elements on a web page that can be optimized to improve its ranking and visibility in search results.

And yes, it involves more than just spreading the keywords here and there throughout the content. There are around 20 key on-page ranking factors that have a direct impact on search results.

You might be familiar with some of them as they have been around since the beginning. Over time, with each Google update, some more advanced and sophisticated factors have been added to the list.

To break down the factors of on-page SEO, I have created the outline in 3 parts ranging from basic and advanced to an insight into futuristic in-site SEO elements.

Basic On-Page SEO Factors

The basic on-site SEO factors make up the roots of your on-page strategy. From guiding search engines to showcasing your content’s value to users, each element plays a pivotal role in shaping the effectiveness of your website.

In short, the basic on-page SEO factors lay the groundwork, giving you a solid starting point to optimize your webpage.

So let’s look at some very basic ranking factors one by one.

Keywords Optimization

It all starts with a keyword. A keyword is a word or phrase a searcher looks for in a search engine. It is, therefore, more likely that pages that include the target keyword in the body of the page, as well as the headings, or both, are relevant to the search. In the most basic sense, it refers to the selection of the keywords you want to use for your brand and going to get traffic from.

So how would you know what keywords to use in your content?

Sometimes, it can be easy to figure it out. If you are optimizing a travel website, you would want to use keywords like vacation, destination, flight, hotel, etc.

If yours is a specialised website for cruise, you would also want to include long-tail keywords like romantic cruise for couples, cruise ships with onboard spa facilities, etc.

But again, the digital world is a highly competitive space. Working merely by guesswork won’t get you far. This is where highly focused keyword search comes in.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a critical first step in any successful SEO strategy. It involves identifying the right keywords and phrases that your target audience is using to search for products, services, or information relevant to your website.

But most importantly, understand the intent behind each keyword. Is the user looking for information, ready to make a purchase, or seeking a solution to a problem? Align your keywords with the content on your website to meet user intent effectively.

I conduct keyword research using the following methods:

  • Understand Your Niche and Audience
  • Brainstorm Seed Keywords
  • Analyse competitors keyword
  • Use Keyword Research Tools
  • Analyze Keyword Metrics
  • Organize and Prioritize Keywords

Pro tip: The best place to look for seed keywords is Google’s search page itself. Explore “People Also Ask” for question-based searches and “Related searches” for long-tail keywords.


Tools for Keyword Research

Utilise keyword research tools to expand your seed keyword list and discover relevant variations. There are many keyword research tools with outstanding features that make this task easier for you.  Enter your seed keywords into these tools to get a comprehensive list of related keywords, their search volumes, and competition levels.

If you are up for keyword research, I suggest a few free and paid tools that will work for your purpose.

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer
  • SEMrush
  • Ubersuggest
  • Moz
  • SpyFu
  • Serpstat

Keyword Placement and Density

Strategically placing keywords at the right places throughout your webpage helps improve your SEO score and visibility. Moreover, the number of times a key phrase or a keyword is used (keyword density) in your blog or webpage makes a difference.

Let’s say the keyword “On-page SEO factors” is used 2 times per 100 words, and then the keyword density is said to be 2%.

As per my experience, 1-2% keyword density works perfectly.

Long-Tail vs. Short-Tail Keywords

Generally, short-tail keywords are broad, generic, and popular terms with high search volume and competition. For example, “pasta”, “phone cover”, or “exercise”.

Compared to short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords have a lower search volume and competition. They are more specific, niche, and targeted. For example, “gluten-free pasta delivery near me“, ”wallet iPhone covers with card slots,” or “strength training exercises for women.”

We may say that short-tail keywords are less than 3 words. Because of the fewer words, short-tail keywords are somewhat generic, while on the contrary, long keywords are more intent-specific and help you target a qualified audience.

The best way forward is to understand the purpose of both types and use them in suitable proportions depending on your niche, industry, and product.

Content Optimization

Be it on-page or off-page SEO, content is an essential element for ranking keywords. By optimizing your content, you increase the likelihood of attracting organic traffic and improving your search engine rankings. To create high-quality content, one must focus on more than elements like keyword placement, density, and correctness.

Great content is that which answers the user query, anticipates the user’s next questions, and answers those, too.

These days, AI tools such as ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, Aherfs, and frase.io can help you optimize your content and create creative titles, outline, meta descriptions, and much more.

Creating High-Quality Content 

High-quality content is one of the highly crucial on-page SEO factors and serves as the backbone of your on-page SEO strategy. It will drive traffic, leads, and conversions to you.

Conduct in-depth research before creating any content. Well-researched content adds credibility and authority to your writing

Always create original and unique content that sets you apart from competitors. Bring some fresh insights, perspectives, and solutions that your audience won’t find elsewhere.

Understanding User Intent 

With the introduction of Rankbrain in 2015, the importance of search intent came to light and became one of the most useful on-page SEO factors.

While creating content, understand the reason why someone is searching for specific information or content.

If your content does not comply with a user’s search intent, it becomes nothing more than random text fragments for users.

You need to be clear if you intend to describe to a user about your product or services or sell it. If users are looking for information, provide detailed and informative content. If they are seeking to buy, offer product descriptions and reviews.

Content-Length and Readability Score

While doing the on-page SEO, you will come across these terms. By now, I have clarified that impressing the search engine and visitors is the end goal of content creation. Content length and readability score are essential in on-page SEO.

The length of an article or blog post can influence its ranking in search engine results pages, user engagement, and social media shares, while the readability score affects how well the content is understood and retained by the readers.

Flesch Readability score, commonly known as the Readability score, gives a measure of how readable your content is for an average reader.

Flesch Reading Scores scaled

Ensure your content is easy to read, well-organized, visually appealing and aligns well with the search intent. Break up large chunks of text with bullet points, numbered lists, and visuals to improve readability.

I call that easily digestible content.

Avoiding Duplicate Content

As you predicted, duplicity here, is an exact match or a paraphrased version of content on other web pages.

You must maintain originality for SEO purposes and establish credibility and trust with your audience.

It is to be noted that duplicity can lead to dire consequences; make sure you produce original content and avoid any duplicity if you don’t want to get your website penalized.

It is recommended to avoid repeating the same keyword multiple times in tight proximity to prevent keyword stuffing. In case of meta description, don’t use your keyword more than once.

HTML Tags and Structuring of Web Pages

Now we know that compelling content is the heart of a web page. But the way it is structured and presented significantly impacts its visibility and user experience.

Search engines use these HTML tags to understand and categorize the content. This way, search engines know what your page is all about and where they should rank you.

Let’s discuss various HTML tags for On-page SEO.

Title Tags 

The title tags are one of the most essential HTML elements for on-page SEO. It is also called ”meta title.” It appears in search engine results as a clickable headline. Eye-catchy and relevant titles pique a visitor’s interest to read your content further.

Generally, browsers display the first 50–60 characters of a title tag. Keep the length of page title to within 60 characters and optimize your title tag with the primary keyword.

Meta Description Tag 

The meta description appears below the title tag in the search engine result. You can see a meta description as a short description of what your page is about.

Although search engines don’t use meta descriptions to determine search results, they do use them to display a preview snippet of the webpage to users.

Now the more relevant and engaging meta descriptions will fetch more clicks. Higher CTRs mean you are going to climb higher up in SERPs.

Most Content Management Systems will allow you to edit this markup within the page’s metadata settings.

Technically, the meta descriptions can be of any length. Google, however, truncates the snippet to 155-160 characters.

Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) 

As we are clear about the usage of title tags, we can move forward to the heading tags. These tags are one of the fundamental aspects of on-page SEO factors. They impact both user experience and search engines.

As discussed above, dividing the content into bite-sized parts enhances its readability; making it easier for visitors to skim through the text and find the information they seek.

Also, search engines read your webpage way differently than a human; for all it sees is a series of HTML codes and the texts distributed among each.

Properly using heading tags helps search engines recognize the hierarchy between different sections of your text.

Put the most important content or the page title in H1, and for the sections and subsections, H2 to H6 will do.  Adding keywords in H1, H2, and H3s can contribute to better online rankings.

Schema Markup and Structured Data

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a type of code that you can place on any page of a website to provide additional information about your page to search engines.


You can define different elements on a web page, such as products, reviews, events, recipes, organizations, and more.

As online search continues to evolve, incorporating structured data through schema markup becomes increasingly important for staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Image and Media Optimization 

Importance of Image Optimization

When you check the Google search console, you will find that images are also a traffic source for your page. Henceforth, image optimization contributes as an essential factor in ranking your webpage.

The main goal of image optimization is to provide users with a great user experience and reduce your page’s load time.

Choosing the Right Image File Types

An optimised image provides a better user-experience; however, uploading the correct image type makes a difference, too—two of the most common types of images, PNG and JPEG, come with advantages.

For instance, you can choose PNG if you can afford a large file size but higher quality; on the other hand, with JPEG, you get a smaller size but a balanced quality. However, WebP best fits the purpose as browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox highly support it.

Image Compression for Faster Loading

A web page with images of large size can cause problems like slow loading. To be safe, you can compress the images while keeping quality uncompromised. In addition to this, keeping uniformity in image size is also suggested.

Utilising Alt Text and Descriptions 

While working on on-page SEO, it is essential to optimise your content for different kinds of audiences, and that’s why image alt text and descriptions make it to the list of the most critical factors for SEO. Alternate text helps you define the meaning your image conveys.

The best use case for alt-text is when a user with visual impairment visits your website, relying on the voice assistant to describe the content of your images. These voice assistants will tell the user what this image is about and help them comprehend the subject matter more effectively.

Implementing Image Sitemaps

Image sitemaps are a valuable on-page SEO element as they help search engines better understand your visual content. When search platforms index your visuals based on details such as URLs, metadata, and titles, there are chances for your images to rank for relevant results, which means you drive some more traffic to your page.

The straightforward benefit of image sitemaps is improved visibility and enhanced chances to win over your competition. Make sure you adhere to almost all the on-page SEO factors related to image optimization.

Internal Linking

Structured Links

Choosing the right anchor text

The strategy of adding a suitable anchor is crucial. Well-planned internal links in web pages can turn to your advantage and improve traffic. However, it’s wise not to over-optimize your article with multiple anchor tags and make it seem spammy to the visitors. As an on-page SEO expert, I recommend a good practice, i.e., to be clear and concise about what users can expect to see by clicking your anchor text.

Using Breadcrumbs for Navigation 

A good navigating experience contributes to a good user experience, so introducing breadcrumbs solves the purpose. Breadcrumbs are nothing but navigational elements of the website that ensure that users have a track of which page they are on. So, when you navigate from one page to another, the breadcrumbs take another form that describes your activities.

For instance: home –>blogs –> On-page Search Engine Optimization factors.

By implementing Breadcrumb, you can improve internal linking and site structure for the site visitors.

Importance of User-Friendly Site Architecture

A user-friendly site architecture strengthens the overall UX of your site but also boosts your online visibility.

Organizing your site’s internal links strategically and logically can help users access the intended information seamlessly.

An easy-to-use website with pretty good internal linking has a higher chance of ranking than the ones that do not have a user-friendly site architecture.

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design

Mobile SEO and Its Significance

More than half of your visitors come from mobile devices, so you have more chances to get noticed on a mobile phone. As per Hubspot’s findings, a site with a less mobile site loading speed can improve conversions by 8%. Mobile SEO can provide excellent results; hence, you must ensure all your pages are mobile-friendly.

Creating a Responsive Website

With the upsurge in mobile devices, the need for a mobile-friendly and responsive design is now higher than ever. A responsive design means a design that is adaptable to a phone, tablet, or even a watch. The end goal of creating a responsive design is to make the website and its content accessible for users on different devices. In an era when an average person has access to more than one device, this is an extremely necessary on-page SEO factor.

Mobile-Friendly Testing and Optimization

A user-friendly site architecture strengthens the overall UX of your site but also boosts your online visibility. If the pages of your site are organized logically, it is easier for a user to access the information you intend to provide seamlessly. To begin, you should check how your page appears on the device and test the navigation menu and internal links to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Testing mobile-friendliness is a continuous practice to ensure your pages present the information concisely, even if you make slight changes. Though many businesses prefer manual testing, only some automated tools can best cater to your needs.

Some of the best-suited tools for mobile-friendliness  are as follows:

  1. Google Mobile-friendly test
  2. Google Search Console
  3. Google PageSpeed insights
  4. JPEG Optimizer

Page Loading Speed and Performance

Impact of Page Loading Speed on SEO 

Don’t keep them waiting! The page loading times must be taken seriously as search platforms see the loading times as an on-page factor for ranking.

Did You KNow 5

So if you don’t want to lose potential customers, keep regular checks on your page and site speed and ensure everything is up to the mark. 

You must also understand the basic difference between the site speed and page loading times. Page loading time is how long it takes for a webpage to load, while site speed is how quickly a website loads for visitors.

Tools to Measure Page Speed 

Of course, you don’t check your page speed manually; there are several tools that you can use to check your page speed quite effectively and help you comply with the most important on-page Search Engine Optimization factors. To measure your page speed, you can refer to the following tools:

  • GTmetrix 
  • Google 
  • Pingdom
  • Sematext 

Now you understand the importance of page speed and the tools to check it, and now it’s time for us to get a hold of a few techniques for improving page speed.

Now, from a coder’s perspective, there can be many ways you may consider the same, but I’ll guide you through a few practices that can yield you better results from SEO perspective. 

Techniques for Improving Page Speed 

Every second counts; and SEOs can ensure faster-loading web pages by using the following techniques:

  • Optimising Server Response Time: Each resource on your webpage requires an HTTP request. get better server response time by minimize the number of requests by reducing the number of elements on your page, such as scripts and stylesheets.
  • Choose a reliable web hosting service: Choose a reputable hosting provider with fast server response times. Optimize your server configurations and reduce server response.
  • Optimise databases: Efficiently organize and index databases to minimize the time it takes to retrieve data, improving overall page loading speed.
  • Reduce the code size: Remove unnecessary characters, spaces, and line breaks from your code. This reduces file size and improves parsing speed.
  • Track resource allocation: Monitor how your website’s resources are allocated and consumed. Identify resource-heavy components and optimize or replace them as needed.

URL Optimization

Importance of Clean and Descriptive URLs 

It is imperative to understand that servers and humans favor a format, and clean and good URL structure as it provides additional context to web search platforms and users.  In addition, clean and descriptive URLs go best with respect to REST architecture, making your URLs easier to search..  In addition, clean and descriptive URLs go best with respect to REST architecture, making your URLs easier to search. 

URL Parameters and Canonicalization 

Include relevant keywords in your URLs to provide additional context to search engines and users. Other ways to optimize URLs are:

  • Canonicalize URLs: If you have multiple URLs with similar content, use canonical tags to specify the preferred version and avoid duplicate content problems. It lessens the load on your website, resulting in improved topical authority, crawling ease of crawlers, and user experience. 
  • Avoid Capitalization: URLs are generally case-sensitive, hence, it is highly recommended to use lowercase letters to avoid confusion and ensure consistency.

Handling Redirects Properly

Alterations in the webpages are inevitable when working with a website with many pages, so redirecting is necessary, and so is redirect handling.

Some poorly managed redirects and internal links lead to chains or loops that add up to delay, frustrating users and increasing your bounce rate. In simple words, your page loses its functional integrity. 

Moreover, unnecessary redirects can adversely affect the traffic intended to redirect from one page to another. 

Tips for handling redirects 

Non-compliance with HTTPs redirect handling will pull you down in the game of ranking. So, here are a few tips on how you can manage redirects. 

  • Use a 302 redirect for inactive campaigns
  • Use a 301 redirect for content that’s permanently removed
  • Avoid chained redirects: one redirect should not forward to another redirect
  • Clean up your redirects periodically
  • Install plugins for effective redirect management

User Experience and Engagement

Understanding User Experience (UX) 

User experience is not some concrete score but refers to usefulness during an interaction with your website. More specifically, it is about how satisfied a user has been on your page. This is why it precisely fits into the on-page SEO process. 

To make sure the user experience is up to the mark, ensure the following:

  • The page is mobile friendly 
  • The page has easy-to-understand and relevant internal links
  • The page loads on time
  • The information is relevant and follows writing standards.

Importance of Page Interactivity and Engagement

A higher level of interactivity on the page results when everything right from the content tone to web design, is in place. A more interactive page means visitors have more chances to know your brand. 

Making an online purchase or decision is directly proportional to the time visitors spend interacting with your page. 

Therefore, interactivity is a prominent factor leading to more engagement and conversions.

Advanced On-Page SEO Factors

Remember that if you keep doing the same things in on-page SEO as others do, there are chances that you will also land at the same place as others. Gone are the days when any article could rank; search engines are more concerned about providing the most reliable information than ever. 

Let me sum up the most recent Google updates for you. In that case, we are dynamically shifting towards more qualified, trustworthy, and helpful content. The servers are already stuffed with loads of information, and this calls for some quality differentiators. It would make a real difference if you worked on a few advanced on-page SEO factors to step up the game.

Optimising for Featured Snippets and Rich Results

What Are Featured Snippets and Rich Results? 

Featured Snippets are called the result 0 as they are displayed above the first result on the SERP. It is a helpful excerpt of your page’s information that directly resolves the user’s queries. To be more specific, these elements are crucial for on-page optimization because users can easily find what they’re looking for without having to read the entire article.

In case of a direct query, tips, questions, or product, these results make it to the top because of their conciseness.

Tips for Appearing in Featured Snippets

If you want to win position zero, there are two tips that may turn out to be useful for you. 

  • Create relevant and concise content: The purpose is to provide comprehensive information so that a visitor doesn’t have to go through the entire article, hence, highlight the solution differently but keep the maximum value. 
  • Optimise your content for voice searches: With the rise of voice searches, content creators must ensure their content sounds natural and precise. This is important for BERT, NLP and even for voice searches. Content that sounds more natural and incorporates long-tail keywords will likely have an advantage in the coming years.
  • Structured Data and Schema Markup: Structured data showcase your information in an organised manner and present a few more necessary details about the subject to the users, making your search result more appealing.

Google E-E-A-T

Standing for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, E-E-A-T is crucial in uplifting your on-page SEO. Although it is highly relevant to YMYL (Your Money Your Life) websites, there is a need for content creators of any other niche to stick with it. This is one of the significant initiatives by Google to promote more expertise and trustworthy content. So ensure that you follow the quality standards of E-E-A-T.

Helpful Content

Impact on SEO1.1 1

Google has announced its Helpful content update to raise the users’ quality standards. With this new signal, Google has concisely directed content creators to create people-first content (prioritise people’s experience over impressing search engines) and remove unhelpful content from their pages.

With the help of ML, the classifiers will detect the content and classify it as helpful and unhelpful. If Google notices that the unhelpful content does not return to your website in the longer run, the classification won’t apply anymore. 

To meet the standards of helpful content, optimize each aspect of your content, including the title and meta description, to make it appealing and worth reading for your audience.

HTTPS and Website Security

Among on-page SEO factors contributing to the user experience is the assurance of safe sessions and transactions on your page. If you are still using HTTP, you allow the data inflow and outflow in plain form, hackers may intercept.

Securing an HTTP connection is essential for building user trust as it encrypts your data which is difficult to comprehend. The best case solution to guarantee website security is by ensuring that your website is equipped with an SSL certificate.

Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages 

Strategically organising your content into topic clusters and creating pillar pages covering broad topics effectively boost your link equity or juice. These pillar pages can then link to related cluster content, which signals to search engines the authority and relevance of your content on a specific topic.

Additionally, better organisation and interlinking of pages account for easy crawling, making it promising for users and search engines. 

User-Intent Optimization

The tone of content must vary as per the purpose. For instance, if you want to sell fans, you must create content that highlights selling fans; you may add call-to-action, reviews, and many other things that make your fan a worth-having thing for them. On the other hand, if your purpose is improving brand awareness, ‘be informative,’ hence the content must be created taking the information part at the core.

 It’s highly advised to optimise your content to match user intent for specific search queries. Understand whether users seek information, products, or solutions, and tailor your content accordingly to provide the best user experience.  

Content Updates and Freshness

Fresh content has become a rather important on-page SEO factor, as it is more likely to rank higher in search results, especially for topics that require current information. For instance, if you are serving content on “Search Engine Updates 2023” or “Dogecoin price now,” all the 2022’s results will make you irrelevant. Search engines are equally strict in punishing irrelevant content as they value relevant content. A piece of wise advice is to regularly update and refresh your content to keep it relevant and up-to-date.

If until here you have compiled with at least 1/3rd of on-page SEO elements, congrats, you are going good. 

Futuristic On-Page SEO Factors

Although on-page SEO has been here for many years, it is still evolving. As users advance in their searches, every day, search engines try to come up with fresh updates and innovative ideas to help users have a great user experience. 

The on-page SEO scenario is predicted to be entirely transformed by the end of this decade. So be it 2023 or 3023, if you are serious and passionate about rankings, you must consider SEO a few years ahead. Let me give you a few more future insights packed into futuristic on-page elements.

Futuristic SEO1.0 1

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Search engines and searchers interact more freely and humanly than ever before.

Reacting to the change, popular search platforms like Google increasingly use NLP to understand the context of search queries and content. For obvious reasons, the content that sounds more natural, more human-like and matches the query has more chances to stay atop.

So, it’s the time when content writers need to write content in a natural, conversational tone to align with the NLP algorithms.

Dwell Time and Click-Through Rate (CTR) 

User engagement metrics, such as dwell time (how long users spend on your page) and CTR from search results, are becoming prominent in the list of on-page SEO factors.

Broadly, the concepts of reducing bounce rate and dwell time seem similar. However, dwell time and bounce rate are different.

Bounce rate is when a user exits after one page, while dwell time is how long they stay after visiting a search result and clicking on another result on the SERP.

The average bounce rate ranges from 41 to 55 2 1

It all boils down to your content; engaging and relevant content can improve these metrics, signaling to web crawlers that your page provides value to users, and that’s how you move forward. On the other hand, CTR can be improved by creating engaging ad copy and audience targeting. 

Semantic SEO and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) 

As discussed above, not all users think or search the same way; hence, a proactive measure for ranking higher is to be ready with additional information. That’s how Semantic SEO and LSI fit into one of the essential on-page factors.

In addition to targeting specific keywords, use related terms and synonyms that provide context and depth to your content. LSI’s approach broadens your scope of topics, content, keywords, and links. It helps search engines better understand the topic and relevance of your web page content too.

Utilizing LSI Keywords

It is high time that we understand the importance of LSI keywords in on-page SEO factors. LSI refers to the keywords that users may be interested in apart from the main keyword.  They increase the contextual relevance of your content. They help in creating content that not only ranks well but also resonates with your target audience.

Meditation 2 1

For example, if your target keyword is a Digital Marketing Company (short-tail), keywords like On-page SEO services and SEO audits can be a part of your LSI keywords. By integrating these keywords, you broaden the scope of providing relevant and valuable information to your visitors and gain ranking on web search platforms. 

Multimedia Integration

Understand that many users are not only after textual information. For example, a visitor searching for “AI SEO tools” would refer to some videos and infographics to get precise and in-depth information about the topic.

Incorporating relevant multimedia elements like videos, infographics, and interactive elements will enrich the user experience and encourage extended page visits. Multimedia integration can also help you diversify your content and provide in-depth content in a compact space. Given that much multimedia content can increase your page loading time, it is suggested not to overload it. 

International SEO Considerations

Is this an on-page factor? Yes, it is.

If your page caters to an international audience, making your page appealing to audiences across borders is a top priority. Your webpage’s usefulness to the international audience will affect your rankings.

To cater to an international audience, it’s essential to implement hreflang tags that indicate language and regional targeting. Machine translations can be inaccurate, so it’s best to take an extra step to ensure that international visitors feel welcome. Check that your title tags, meta descriptions, and headings have the same meaning in other languages as yours.

Voice Search Optimization

No wonder why voice optimization makes it into the list of on-page SEO factors. The number of voice searches is increasing, and hence web search platforms are now on their way to dig the best voice search-optimised results.

In short, one has to do a lot of homework in voice optimization, right from tone change, keyword research, and to even writing basic meta descriptions. More specifically, you optimize your content for voice search queries by using natural language, answering frequently asked questions, and targeting conversational keywords.


Here you have it! I’ve compiled and elaborated on several on-page SEO important elements that go beyond the usual ones. You may have a long way to go in search rankings if you are yet to implement a few of these.

Search engines now prioritize user-focused content than ever before, meaning more than great content is needed. In addition, the current AI-related innovations in Search Engine Optimization show that those who are flexible in experimenting and adapting to new technologies will stay in the race.

By exploring and implementing these advanced on-page SEO factors, you can stay ahead of the competition, enhance user experience, and climb higher in SERPs.

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Ajay Deep
Ajay Deep

Hi, I'm Ajay Deep, founder and CEO of Authority Ventures. I work as a strategy consultant - passionately aiding businesses in optimizing their digital presence. Apart from working with clients, I also work on some niche websites - which are my own experimental projects. One of my website recently got acquired by a Fortune500 company (for a whooping 6-digit figure). Click below to know more about me and my work.

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