When writing an intro for your blog, you might want to tell the reader what your blog is about and why they should read it.
That’s so old-fashioned.
As per Time magazine, the average attention span of people on the internet has dropped to 8 seconds. It means that as a writer, you have 8 seconds to make an impression in your reader’s mind.
With so much more competition and little time, blog intros can be challenging to get right. The motive of a good blog intro is to grab readers’ attention. And at the same time, make them curious to read the rest of the post.
Actionable tips on writing blog intros
Let’s dive into the best strategies on how to write a blog intro that can hook readers.
Answering search intent
I recently read a blog on ‘tips to mine Bitcoin .’ The intro paragraph was all about ‘what is Bitcoin.’
Like what?
At that time, I wished that I could tell the writer – I know what Bitcoins are. That’s why I am searching for tips and tricks to mine cryptocurrency.
One of the best ways to write an attention-grabbing blog intro is to answer the search intent of your readers. When people are searching for something on Google, they usually have a question in their mind that they want to be answered.
If you can provide the answer to their question in your blog post intro, there’s a good chance that they will stay on your blog to read more of what you have written.
Keep your blog intro short & simple
Writing good introductions is one of the most essential skills for any writer or blogger. After all, it sets up everything else that follows in the post.
If you’re writing a blog intro, write about how it can benefit readers right away! Don’t waste words on meaningless details or tangents that have nothing to do with what people are looking for when they come to your blog.
It is vital that you don’t waste their time with unnecessary words or phrases and instead provide them with value as soon as possible for them to continue reading.
Single intro paragraph vs multiple paragraphs
When blogging just got started, writers used a single long paragraph to introduce their blog. However, things have changed in the past 5 years.
The new trend is to use a conversational tone. This is best done when you keep your paragraphs short – just 2 to 4 sentences long. If you are learning how to write a blog intro, pay attention to the intro paragraphs while you research.
I request you go to the top of this blog and see the intro once again. You’ll get the point.
Use short sentences and paragraphs, so readers don’t lose interest halfway through your introduction, keep it informative but straightforward- no one wants a long-drawn-out explanation about nothing.
Use stats & figures in your opening line
Another effective way on how to write a blog intro is by using statistics and figures. However, it must be done in moderation, or else you will end up making your post look like a Wikipedia article!
For example: If you are writing a blog on “blogging tips”, then your opening line can be – According to the most recent data from Google’s keyword planner tool, there were an estimated 98 million searches for ‘blogging tips’. Using stats in your blog intro also allows you to have your keyword in the first line of your blog. So, this tip is also quite useful for people who provide SEO content writing services.
Think copywriting for your blog intro
We all know the value of a great opening line. Whether it’s in advertising, product overviews, or even a blog – first impressions mean everything when you’re trying to get someone hooked on your work!
A captivating introduction invites readers to stay on the page and keep reading by making them curious about what will happen next.
If you’d ask me to answer how to write a blog intro in one sentence, I’d say – Write it as if you are selling it to a potential buyer. I told the same thing to a community of bloggers at an event when I got a question – Aren’t blogs supposed to be casual? Why follow the sales tactics?
Yes, blogs are supposed to be casual. But just imagine that 7.5 Million blogs are published every day. It is important than ever before to follow the copywriting tactics for your blog’s intro paragraph.
Ask thought-provoking questions
You can also try to start your blog post off by asking a question in your introduction. This is an excellent way to engage your readers and get them thinking about the topic you’re writing about.
For example: Let’s assume that you are writing a blog on the topic “How much do bloggers earn?” A good opening line for this blog intro can be – “Have you ever wondered how much money bloggers make?”
You get the idea!
Quotes vs Blog Intros
Using a quote as a blog intro is one of the most common ways to write a blog intro. However, this advice comes with a caveat – it’s not always going to work for you!
If you are looking at how to write an introduction for your blog that is user-friendly and search engine friendly, please avoid using quotes. Especially – long ones. They might be able to engage your readers but do very little in terms of SEO.
Writing a blog intro with a quote can often be seen as a lazy way to start your post. After all, you are just copy-pasting the quote and acting as if you have a great opening line for your blog intro.
Learning how to write a blog intro
No matter how good the rest of your blog post is, if your readers don’t like or understand your introduction, they won’t bother reading further.
This is why it’s so important to take the time to learn how to write a blog intro that will capture your reader’s attention and make them want to read more about what you have to say through your content.
In conclusion, there are many ways on how to write a blog intro. But the best way to find out what works for you is by trying different techniques and seeing which one gets the most response from your readers. So go ahead and experiment! And always remember that practice makes perfect.